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Edit Blog PostsFriends, I am sure that by now you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Strange, but I can remember in my lifetime you would have gotten slapped by your mother for saying the word breast in public. Now you see them on TV selling everything from bubble gum to motor oil! As the old cig commercial use to say, "You've come a long way baby!" Still women are diagnosed and die everyday needlessly from this disease because so many refuse to stand up, speak out, or simply have a mammagram. The only shame is that this disease is treatable and can be controlled by early detection. Do your self exam. Teach your daughters the process, no matter if they are developed yet or not. Have your mammagram done. Be proactive.In addition to my HOPE candle which I am sure you have read about, I am offering during this month a beautiful Swaovsky Crystal pink bracelet designed especially to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. I have partnered locally with The West Tennessee Healthcare Breast Cancer Awareness Fund and will be contributing a portion of my proceeds during this entire month to help educate and treat women in my own home town.If you would like to help, email me at info@candlesgiftsandmusic.biz. The life you save may be your own.