Prepare yourself now. After the initial adrenaline rush, there will be a crash. It may take a week, a month, or a year, but inevitably it will happen. I have experienced this on more than one occassion, and I have learned that if I prepare in advance, it will pass.
So how, you ask, do you overcome these bouts of discouragement and depression? Well, first and foremost, review your "why". You should have established your "why" within the first few days of kicking off your business. Your "why" is the reason that you started your own business in the first place. I would suggest writing it on a card or cards and having it handy at all times. That way, when the first sign of discouragement comes along, you can win the battle from the beginning and, in the words of Barney Fife, just "nip it in the bud."
Secondly, do a self inventory of the people, places, or things that trigger defeatism in you. This not only applies to your business, but in ever area of your life. It is critical that you surround yourself with people and things that are possitive and uplifting. There can be no place for negativity, because if you do not watch closely, it will take root in your mind and spirit and choke out everything that is good and wholesome. Read motivational and uplifting books. Listen to affirming music, seminars, webinars, etc. This will enable you to lay a solid foundation that will serve you well in periods of discouragement.
And, for some of you, this is gonna be a stretch. It has proven to be the most difficult for me. Speak possitive and affirming things out loud to yourself. You may be the only one who will ever do this and your ears need to hear you say it. Say it out loud. Be repetitious. An excellent example of this can be found in the movie Corinna Corinna with Whoopie Goldberg and Ray Liota. Goldberg's character, Corinna, tells Liotta's daughter to say to herself whenever she is scared or uncertain, "My name is Molly Singer and there is nobody any better than me!" So, dear friend, head back, chest out, and speak loudly!
Remember, basically, what you are selling is yourself. Your company may have the best product or idea ever known to man, but if you do not develop a good marketing strategy for yourself, you will never be able to sell anything else. In other words, people are waiting to grasp your excitemnent for your particular product or opportunity. If they see that you are enthusiastic, confident and self-assured, they are more likely to follow your lead and jump into your business. Now I am not saying be narcicistic or self-absorbed, just confident.
There is sooooo much more that could be said about this topic, but these are just a few things that I have learned and am applying in my own life and business. I hope they are as beneficial to you as they are to me.
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